
# of maps with 1st place: 0
Position on Ladder: 469 (2540 player_4)
Average Rank (of 12 maps): 127
Average Rank (of all maps): 80
Show maps with ranks:

# User Time Average Speed
254 joey 30.3622 66.067048387097
255 player_4 30.5106 64.919190322581
256 .nbk.snak3 30.6498 68.210322580645
# User Time Average Speed
166 king_god 46.4248 75.898527659574
167 player_4 46.5282 76.291270212766
168 chrisd 46.5504 71.700968085106
# User Time Average Speed
153 egon 53.6149 46.029932793563
154 player_4 53.7292 71.924955555556
155 (57) 53.8917 70.670027777778
# User Time Average Speed
61 36.8981 70.083283783784
62 player_4 36.9 69.528900746269
63 Plee@forums 37.0058 69.527621621622
# User Time Average Speed
72 ahura 113.649 43.211654298246
73 player_4 174.7393 25.336703264901
# User Time Average Speed
178 farmerwho 30.6236 67.694893548387
179 player_4 30.7075 67.310270967742
180 connor 30.724 66.729728037383
# User Time Average Speed
162 16.4456
163 player_4 16.4532 67.463323529412
164 soma 16.4808 66.193182352941
# User Time Average Speed
111 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA@forums 65.2113 73.536669406393
112 player_4 65.8302 73.881363636364
113 spo_on 66.7024 74.924007462687
# User Time Average Speed
25 nuke 12.581 69.564217142857
26 player_4 12.6 70.371929411765
27 lcharlize 12.6194 68.239325714286
# User Time Average Speed
22 shpongle 16.895 68.800378181818
23 player_4 16.9297 67.043231034483
24 tiberiuskirk@forums 17.002 68.752552631579
# User Time Average Speed
172 the_wanderer 8.82539 62.5189
173 player_4 8.84117 63.390866666667
174 el_pro 8.8431 67.59988
# User Time Average Speed
136 tim 5.7471 46.511966666667
137 player_4 5.81217 45.4818
138 purple 5.9516 48.199533333333
Maps not finished: Mothership, ShoppingMall, InsanitysBrother, Verta2, Amethyst, CloseButFar, Red, Compact, TikiTime, AMazinglyEasy, Zipper, Chicken, Chain, Arco, Retro13, Moon, OctaGone2Life, Turtle, Lightning, Croma, Pow, 8Ball, CannedYams, Golf, ZigZagZaney, Microphone, Pikachu, TsuEatsBread, KillZone, Four, Bird, Armacube, Shuttle, Roundabout, Pirata, Compass, Stardome, ZigZag, TheCarrot, Teleporting, What, MrRoboto, PerfectTurning, Wrapper, CerosShortWand, Cojones, Guitar, OctaGone2Death, TheTower, Dragrace, BeCareful, lol, Meloncholy, MissionImpossible, MissionImprobable, Supernova, WallStuck, DontFlinch, Placebo, Elevator, 2016, Cell, Zone3, Zone4, Zone5, Minefield1, Minefield2, Epyon, PentaRace, PapaShuShu, Holiday, RoadOfDeath, Mint, Mace, Skeletron, LeicesterCity, nelged, Cherrio, Insane, Broken, Because, Note, Telepo, Flex, Shield, Galaxy, DeathTrap, PewPew, DethZ, Voltrobe, Handgrip, Aflac, Axe, Berlin, English, Claw, OctagoneFrenzy, Mutant, StraightTurns, BaDonk, Nexus, Ace, Arrows, Avenue, Canyon, Capsule, Crossfire, Dimension, Gem, KingClause, RecTangler, SixPack, Slash, Chihuahua, Life, Default, FlatHead, Hunted, NewSneaks, Batman, Butterfly, Internal, AMazing, NisargsPointyDick, Insanity, Fission, DeFission, RoboTime, Pnis, PureRacingTorture, TheRace, FastTrack, Glacier, Serpent, Sea, Unfair, 100Watts, Scratch, Volcano, Button, Derp, MelonMania, TinHatTrio, AroundAndAround, OnePath, XWindMill, Compressor, CTFMazeRace, Excalibur, BatPigBear, Microchip, SmallAndEasy, PentiumCPU, ItsSupposedToBeAWhale, Untaris, TheGame, Octarace, Karma, Memorial, Inferno, Hockey, Minimalist, Speed, BlastOff, ZoneSpace, aMazed, Animalia, Exidus, aBLAZing, AQuickExplosion, OdeToVert, StyX, Girl, Kitteh, Swag, Sharpy, Bascalatrus, Slashazier, Organius, Organius_test, Frenchville, Labyrinth1, Labyrinth2, TiredLittleBoy, Broken.reverse, Trucco.reverse1, Trucco.reverse2, MarchingPenguin, Eternal1, Eternal2, Microhell, Charriot, HummusFunRace, RiverOfDeath, Retro1, Retro2, Retro3, Retro4, Retro5, Retro6, Retro7, Retro8, Retro9, Retro10, Retro11, Retro12, Retro14, Retro15, Retro16, Retro17, Retro18, Retro19, Retro20, GenMap1, GenMap2, GenMap3, GenMap4, GenMap5, GenMap6, GenMap7, GenMap8, GenMap9, GenMap10, GenMap11, GenMap12, GenMap13, GenMap14, GenMap15