
# of maps with 1st place: 0
Position on Ladder: 388 (1975 sealboy)
Average Rank (of 12 maps): 99
Average Rank (of all maps): 83
Show maps with ranks:

# User Time Average Speed
257 jfacas_Portugal@forums 30.832 63.573103252033
258 sealboy 30.845 67.312451886792
259 lavender_man 31.069 65.752086956522
# User Time Average Speed
238 bk\:{imaz3} 26.3336 63.10587037037
239 sealboy 26.373 46.315707816092
240 mcbutts 27.2526 45.7094075
# User Time Average Speed
163 dedogmodz@forums 13.3429 70.242342857143
164 sealboy 13.3671 74.98954375
165 xirlord 13.3814 69.784643333333
# User Time Average Speed
84 incypa 48.894 26.136770885496
85 sealboy 53.051 27.026031398496
86 xilikim 58.008 21.140737191781
# User Time Average Speed
84 doctor 66.035 25.969029014084
85 sealboy 70.221 22.290561910256
86 trig 81.4062 19.460598426667
# User Time Average Speed
118 some_guy 77.9757 30.825151692308
119 sealboy 84.475 28.827314571429
120 arthur_pendrago 148.04 29.036483057903
# User Time Average Speed
41 d 63.825 33.298490815217
42 sealboy 72.533 25.645202743902
# User Time Average Speed
72 Shauma34@forums 30.0599 57.941673958333
73 sealboy 30.793 61.694425490196
74 parth 31.1204 60.1554875
# User Time Average Speed
42 lemmy 46.6933 75.990691489362
43 sealboy 49.768 70.267884732824
44 Titanoboa@forums 51.1646 69.191630769231
# User Time Average Speed
24 new_dark 35.9062 31.687028937778
25 sealboy 39.9492 29.079057395833
26 cpt._mous 41.9515 30.870552173469
# User Time Average Speed
22 Goose@forums 70.7004 36.087088275862
23 sealboy 98.3309 27.38696309322
# User Time Average Speed
28 Aidan@lt 68.348 61.988513435583
29 sealboy 68.759 60.545311320755
30 d 72.101 60.147802159091
Maps not finished: Mothership, ShoppingMall, InsanitysBrother, Verta2, Amethyst, Red, Compact, TikiTime, Fair, AMazinglyEasy, Zipper, Chicken, Chain, Arco, Luigi, Moon, OctaGone2Life, Turtle, Croma, Pow, 8Ball, Golf, ZigZagZaney, Microphone, Pikachu, TsuEatsBread, Arsenal, KillZone, Four, Bird, Armacube, Shuttle, Roundabout, Pirata, Looper, Compass, Stardome, ZigZag, TheCarrot, Cantaloupe, JailBreak, Teleporting, What, MrRoboto, PerfectTurning, Wrapper, Trucco, CerosShortWand, Cojones, Guitar, OctaGone2Death, TheTower, Dragrace, BeCareful, lol, Meloncholy, MissionImpossible, MissionImprobable, Supernova, WallStuck, DontFlinch, Placebo, Elevator, 2016, Cell, Zone3, Zone4, Zone5, Minefield1, Minefield2, Epyon, PentaRace, PapaShuShu, Holiday, RoadOfDeath, Mint, Mace, LeicesterCity, nelged, Cherrio, Insane, Broken, Note, Telepo, Scarlet, Flex, Shield, Galaxy, DeathTrap, PewPew, DethZ, Voltrobe, Handgrip, Aflac, Berlin, English, Claw, OctagoneFrenzy, StraightTurns, BaDonk, Nexus, Arrows, Avenue, Canyon, Counteracted, Crossfire, Dimension, Gem, KingClause, RecTangler, Slash, Chihuahua, Life, Default, FlatHead, Hunted, NewSneaks, Batman, Butterfly, Internal, AMazing, Noobed, NisargsPointyDick, Insanity, Fission, DeFission, RoboTime, Pnis, PureRacingTorture, TheRace, FastTrack, Glacier, Serpent, Sea, Unfair, 100Watts, Scratch, Volcano, Button, Derp, MelonMania, TinHatTrio, AroundAndAround, OnePath, XWindMill, Compressor, CTFMazeRace, Excalibur, BatPigBear, Microchip, SmallAndEasy, PentiumCPU, ItsSupposedToBeAWhale, Untaris, TheGame, Octarace, Karma, Memorial, Inferno, Hockey, EasyA, Minimalist, Speed, BlastOff, ZoneSpace, aMazed, Animalia, Exidus, aBLAZing, AQuickExplosion, OdeToVert, StyX, Girl, Kitteh, Swag, Sharpy, Bascalatrus, Slashazier, Organius, Organius_test, Frenchville, Labyrinth1, Labyrinth2, TiredLittleBoy, Broken.reverse, Trucco.reverse1, Trucco.reverse2, MarchingPenguin, Eternal1, Eternal2, Microhell, Charriot, HummusFunRace, RiverOfDeath, Retro1, Retro2, Retro3, Retro4, Retro5, Retro6, Retro7, Retro8, Retro9, Retro10, Retro11, Retro12, Retro14, Retro15, Retro16, Retro17, Retro18, Retro19, Retro20, GenMap1, GenMap2, GenMap3, GenMap4, GenMap5, GenMap6, GenMap7, GenMap8, GenMap9, GenMap10, GenMap11, GenMap12, GenMap13, GenMap14, GenMap15