
# of maps with 1st place: 0
Position on Ladder: 322 (1619.0476 hylix)
Average Rank (of 21 maps): 142
Average Rank (of all maps): 76
Show maps with ranks:

# User Time Average Speed
97 caylee@caylee.de 41.5702 74.866909090909
98 hylix 41.5841 68.285384730539
99 Rufus@forums 41.6330 76.695680952381
# User Time Average Speed
176 earthman 18.3739 43.806712291667
177 hylix 18.5588
178 "swag 18.6955 46.199104426316
# User Time Average Speed
122 Loubob@forums 16.5260 56.973576470588
123 hylix 16.8100 56.867482352941
124 AshitakA@forums 16.8324 54.722217647059
# User Time Average Speed
74 shauma34 27.496 59.597661538462
75 hylix 27.5088 55.511967857143
76 |freefallgames 28.0300 50.786271428571
# User Time Average Speed
143 $ 17.8023 60.233661111111
144 hylix 17.8396 59.195738888889
145 free 17.8427 60.044977777778
# User Time Average Speed
204 gt^b!\@k 32.5580 67.524481818182
205 hylix 32.6887 70.389418181818
206 angeru-san 32.7922 66.024354545455
# User Time Average Speed
113 d.j 15.1895 68.49704375
114 hylix 15.2132 68.15485625
115 noodl 15.257 67.349175
# User Time Average Speed
85 ~nostalgia~ 12.1314 ?
86 hylix 12.1667 62.588715384615
87 !1 12.1688 61.992815384615
# User Time Average Speed
124 frefall_games 14.8918 61.928606666667
125 hylix 14.8931 63.0342
126 asaca 14.9137 63.113666666667
# User Time Average Speed
126 $ 20.0852 70.230638095238
127 hylix 20.1048 71.852595238095
128 binary 20.1302 70.412142857143
# User Time Average Speed
78 |zwazi 17.568 65.615830177515
79 hylix 17.5893 67.037422222222
80 farmerwho 17.9426 65.768744444444
# User Time Average Speed
145 `ln\:aki 15.8598 60.465138461538
146 hylix 15.8670 43.776825
147 chrisd 15.8798 45.8716125
# User Time Average Speed
379 King\_Wobbz@armanelgtron.tk/Public 45.4859 50.737635065217
380 hylix 45.5985 45.459813913043
381 45.72
# User Time Average Speed
339 LoveBug@forums 34.7045 62.583971428571
340 hylix 35.0104 62.247014285714
341 immigrated 35.3359 67.26565
# User Time Average Speed
134 gt|arng 39.8954 73.91071
135 hylix 39.8980 75.867835
136 snip 40.045 73.706977692308
# User Time Average Speed
92 skulduggery 10.326 69.081426086957
93 hylix 10.3491 65.012472727273
94 jiggaboo` 10.3493 67.2494
# User Time Average Speed
69 `ln\:akio 17.3716
70 hylix 17.3943 64.382411453745
71 human@forums 17.55
# User Time Average Speed
89 te|aabu' 12.3970 65.355323076923
90 hylix 13.8614 47.1214
91 deez_nutz!!! 14.7718 45.935953333333
# User Time Average Speed
121 es!\:sourdiesel 50.5281
122 hylix 50.5814 71.569474509804
123 {axo}fungus 51.4
# User Time Average Speed
120 caylee@caylee.de 21.44 65.169518181818
121 hylix 21.4474 64.555618181818
122 assassinoforums 21.4612 62.438072727273
# User Time Average Speed
124 es!\:sourdiesel 40.9005
125 hylix 40.9420 85.236829268293
126 dontsleepalone 40.9798
Maps not finished: Mothership, ShoppingMall, InsanitysBrother, Verta1, Verta2, Amethyst, CloseButFar, Red, Compact, TikiTime, AMazinglyEasy, Zipper, Chicken, Arco, Luigi, Retro13, Moon, OctaGone2Life, Turtle, Lightning, Croma, Pow, 8Ball, CannedYams, Golf, ZigZagZaney, Microphone, Pikachu, TsuEatsBread, Arsenal, KillZone, Four, Bird, Armacube, Shuttle, Pirata, Looper, Compass, TheCarrot, Teleporting, What, Wrapper, Trucco, Cojones, Guitar, OctaGone2Death, TheTower, Dragrace, BeCareful, MissionImpossible, MissionImprobable, Supernova, DontFlinch, Placebo, 2016, Cell, Zone3, Zone4, Zone5, Minefield1, Minefield2, Epyon, PentaRace, PapaShuShu, Holiday, RoadOfDeath, Mint, Mace, Skeletron, LeicesterCity, nelged, Cherrio, Insane, Because, Note, Telepo, Scarlet, Flex, Shield, Galaxy, DeathTrap, PewPew, DethZ, Voltrobe, Handgrip, Aflac, Axe, Berlin, English, Claw, OctagoneFrenzy, Mutant, StraightTurns, Nexus, Ace, Arrows, Avenue, Canyon, Capsule, Counteracted, Crossfire, Dimension, Gem, KingClause, RecTangler, SixPack, Slash, Chihuahua, Life, Default, FlatHead, Hunted, NewSneaks, Batman, Butterfly, AMazing, Noobed, NisargsPointyDick, Insanity, Fission, DeFission, RoboTime, TheRace, FastTrack, Glacier, Serpent, Sea, Unfair, 100Watts, Scratch, Volcano, Button, Derp, MelonMania, TinHatTrio, AroundAndAround, OnePath, XWindMill, Compressor, CTFMazeRace, Excalibur, BatPigBear, Microchip, PentiumCPU, ItsSupposedToBeAWhale, Untaris, Octarace, Karma, Memorial, Inferno, Hockey, EasyA, Minimalist, Speed, BlastOff, ZoneSpace, aMazed, Animalia, Exidus, aBLAZing, AQuickExplosion, OdeToVert, StyX, Girl, Kitteh, Swag, Sharpy, Bascalatrus, Slashazier, Organius, Organius_test, Frenchville, Labyrinth1, Labyrinth2, TiredLittleBoy, Broken.reverse, Trucco.reverse1, Trucco.reverse2, MarchingPenguin, Eternal1, Eternal2, Microhell, Charriot, HummusFunRace, RiverOfDeath, Retro1, Retro2, Retro3, Retro4, Retro5, Retro6, Retro7, Retro8, Retro9, Retro10, Retro11, Retro12, Retro14, Retro15, Retro16, Retro17, Retro18, Retro19, Retro20, GenMap1, GenMap2, GenMap3, GenMap4, GenMap5, GenMap6, GenMap7, GenMap8, GenMap9, GenMap10, GenMap11, GenMap12, GenMap13, GenMap14, GenMap15